Well, I should say to you all, everybody in the whole planets! HAPPY LEBARAN!! Apologize body and soul! in Indonesia we usually say "minal aidzin wal fa idzin, maafkan lahir dan batin" Here in Indonesia we celebrate it with so many foods like: ketupat, opor ayam, rendang, gulai, tape hitam, kue-kue manis, rengginang, and many many more food and delicacy.
How I love Indonesia, especially Bandung for its food. Bandung people are very creative. If you go to Bandung, you will become chubby within a week, because there are so many food-stalls here. And so many fashion outlets in Bandung. We have batagor bandung, or oncom, or colenak, or serabi mini. COME TO BANDUNG, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA my friends! It`s like living in the food-paradise!!
Where places to go in long holiday? There are many picnic places for you and family with kids to have fun in Bandung. Here I recommend some nice places to visit:

1. KAMPUNG GAJAH in Sersan Bajuri
Bandung in front of Ledeng station.
For further information you can visit this link: http://www.kampunggajah.com/
There are more than 20 great attractions (horse riding, face painting, sky rider mobile, Wonderhall, Pick your own strawberry, shooting, kites, tubby, mini buggy, children playground, kiddy pool, big tornado, octopus racer, buggy advanture, segway, buggy family, ATV ADVENTURE, FUTURISTIC TRAIN, aqua boat, bumper boat, sky view, sky rider etc)
2. CIWIDEY south of BandungPeople are very crowded in lembang region during long holiday session. So now people try to do their picnic to southern of Bandung area. In Ciwidey there are some tourist attractions : Ciwalini hot spring, Cimanggu hot spring, Kawah Putih (crater), Situ Patenggang (Lake) ,Patuha resort, Ranca Upas (camping ground).Further information about ciwidey you can visit wikipedia link http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciwidey,_Bandung
For the best route to get to Ciwidey, you can follow this link: http://www.indotravelers.com/peta-rute-jalan/bandung-ciwidey.html
Subdistrict (Kecamatan) in the Bandung Regency, Indonesia. It is located 48 kilometres(30 mi) south of the majorWest Java city of Bandung.
Best place to enjoy quiet green scenery of the south of Bandung. The area is attractive and was formerly well known for tourist spots in the Malabar region. Some of the tea estates in the area provide good facilities for tourists to stay overnight, walk through tracks in the tea plantations, and bath in nearby hot springs. Main tourism sites near Pangalengan include the following.- Cultural or historical sites such as the Cikondang traditional village, and the gravesite of the Dutchman K.A.R. Bosscha who played a key role in helping develop the tea industry in the area.
- Tea and quinine estates such as the Malabar estate and estates at Kertamanah, Purbasari, Pasir Junghunh, Pasirmalang, Cukul, and the Indonesian Research Institute for Tea and Quinine at Gambang.
- Various lakes, of which the most well-known is Lake Cileunca.
- Numerous hot springs and waterfalls.
Maribaya, east of Lembang, an area with fresh air , waterfall, horse riding, and hotspring water.
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